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We have to help Emma! (I)

My dear,
Please my dear, do not feel embarrassed by my mail to you. I am Mrs. Emma Lapuz ,the wife of Rev. Edison Lapuz, a prominent human right defender and Conference Minister of North Eastern Leyte Conference Coordinator of Eastern Visayas Convenors of Visayas Jurisdiction, Who his sudden killing on the 12th of may 2005 has been a shock to me and my children.
Well during my late husband death threat, he gave me the total sum of $10.3, million dollars for the up keeping/future of our children and asks me to put it in a metallic box and deposit it in a security and finance company in abroad.
This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure. This means that the security company does not even know the content of this trunk box.
Since the death of my late husband, the Philippine government has blocked all me and my late husband account and also my late husband family has succeed in collecting from me all the properties of my late husband, trying to leave me with nothing for the future of my children.
I am contacting you because I want you to help me in securing the money in the box for the future of my children. Since my late husband family made it impossible for me to have access to calls or to move out of the house as they always monitor me.
I hope to trust you as who will not sit on this money when you claim it. I will give you 15% of the total money after you have successfully secured the box. For your assistance to me. If you are willing to help me, email me at emma_lapuz01@yahoo.com.ph
Thanks and I wait to hear from you urgently
Best regards
Mrs. Emma Lapuz

My Dear Emma!

Do not feel embarrassed by my answer to your peculiar request.
I am Mr., well, I guess, I can leave this part away as you must know who I am.
Otherwise you would not entrust me with your trunk box containing $ 10.3 million dollars.
Of course, someone would only give a sum such as this to someone (s)he knows quite well.
Yet, I do not recall ever having heard your name before. Well, I suppose my fame for being a good person anticipates my real-life person. Thank you right now for the trust you put in me. I am absolutely willing to implement your hopes in me.
Now, down to business. If you want me to help you, I will have to ask you for 20% of the money as I am experiencing financial problems myself right now. Let me explain!
Recently, I have answered the request of the former tansanian prince, Mr. Lubuka, to help him in a quite similar matter. Due to an overthrow of the government through some partisans he was forced to leave the country behind and leave all his belongings in a secure area in some sort of an international neutral zone, I don`t remember any more. Anyway, he also asked me to help him out of his infelicitous situation by letting him transfer his money to my bank account and subsequently having it send to his new financial home in Sudan. I willingly complied to his request and was actually rewarded with a percentage which paid out as $2.3 million. Now, some jerk claims to have been fleeced via Internet and that his money would have been laundered through my bank account. Thus, jurisdiction forced me to return the money to this fraud and his uncommon demands (as if anyone were stupid enough to let himself be ripped off through being played for a sucker using the Internet, pah). Therefore, I now have disadvantageous liabilities. If I could get only a little more money from you, I could be relieved of my debts.
So, one hand washes the other. You help me, I help you!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to prove to the world what a genuine personality I am.
I will be happy to return the money to you after having claimed it. Please, also tell your children not to dread any further. One look in the eyes of these poor creatures surely is enough to let me know, why I shall be doing this favor for you, even if it weren`t for my grand character. And I can imagine the expression on their faces right now.
In replacement of your fair tardy, er, late husband, let me now humbly take care of your family´s fate.
Simply disclose the means by which I shall acclaim the seemingly doomed metallic box and all will be well.
Thank you once again for your trust. Please contact me as soon as possible. Do not feel ashamed to rush me, I can fully comprehend the urgency of things.
All the best to you,


Blub [5]

27.08.2007 21:30 von Henny

Wort der Woche




25.08.2007 20:50 von Henny


Seitdem die Fenster der Wohnung mit Fliegengittern ausgestattet sind, hängen jeden Morgen diverse Mücken an besagten Gittern und scheinen Wir wollen hier raus! zu schreien.


Blub [2]

19.08.2007 13:42 von Henny

Wie wahr IV

Allein schon der Titel (siehe unten) birgt viel Potenzial, mein Leben zu vereinfachen. Und dann das auf Seite 109:

“Die Verachtung ist eine wertvolle und saubere Alternative zum Haß und zum Ekel.”1

Und um wieviel besser klingt ein hingeworfenes Ich verachte ihn als ein aufgeregtes Ich hasse ihn?! Wunderbar.

1 Goldt, Max: Vom Zauber des seitlich dran Vorbeigehens, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2007, S. 109.


Blub [1]

19.08.2007 13:33 von Henny


Aikido war irgendwie trostlos und die Katze will nicht fressen. Ich versuche trotzdem ein positives Fazit zu ziehen: Eine wahnsinnig süße Babykatze hat auf meinem Schoß geschlafen (zudem liegt der das Fressen verweigernde Kater gerade schnurrend in meinen Armen) und ich habe mir wieder einmal die Güte eines sehr guten Freundes bewusst gemacht: Obwohl Katzenallergiker mag er die Fritzekatze und obwohl er wahrscheinlich in der Schule das letzte mal Sport machen musste, hört er sich meine Aikido-Geschichten nicht nur an, sondern hat auch noch was dazu zu sagen.

Kein Grund zu heulen also. Ich mach jetzt mal das Katzenklo sauber. Damit der Kater wenigstens kacken kann, wo er schon nix frisst.



12.08.2007 22:05 von Henny

Ältere Einträge Neuere Einträge

Keine Zielgruppe